Red Rover and My Weapon of Mass Destruction

Karl Rove. Karl Rove. Karl Rove. Is anyone surprised? I mean, as disgusted as I am about this, Im definitely not completely surprised, I mean, hello, we are talking about Dubbyas top advisor for Christ's sake. The administration is a big huge episode of All My Children. So fucking sad, I'm embarrassed and scared to travel overseas. What's shocking is the amount of people trying to defend this! Its like the country has become a huge Crypts v. Bloods, its stupid! Karl Rove fucked up and threatened the security of a CIA agent Valerie Plame, her other operatives for the sole reason of seeking revenge on one of the WMD whistleblowers. Are people aware that the last government that did the crooked shit our government does were the Nazis?!? Pathetic. Sad and scary. If you don't agree with every scandal Bush and his Cronies are involved in, your a liberal. I don't see it as being that black and white, folks. Its wrong and right. This is a simple WRONG v. RIGHT. But there are so many hard-core republicans out there that are willing to rationalize any behavior that the administration participates in. If everyone that disagrees with the crooked sleaze of Bush and his scumbag staff is a "liberal", what the FUCK does that make you that ignore the facts of the day and defend this insanity no matter what? fucking PATRIOTS? HA! Thats a joke.
So this morning I woke up to not one, not two, but THREE big huge mutant flys sitting on my wall. Just looking at me. WTF? Are all the normal sized bugs in Astoria Queens eating all the leftover Greek food and becoming ginormous? I shit you not readers, these flys were the size of bumble bees. I could NOT believe it. And they were all near my bedroom window. My first plan of action was to swat. When I realized, they were too big and would leave guts on my wall, I started to panick. Plan B was to open the top window and try to shoo them out (I really dont like killing bugs, I have to tell you). So, there I am in my T shirt and granny undies, standing on a chair infront of my open window ("hi neighbors!") trying to shoo mutant flys out of my room. They were so big, they werent even flying around just running along the wall. I panicked. My amazing emergency response instincts kicked in (as I envisioned what I always invision, that being the bug flying into my hair) and I reached for the Glade tropical fruit room spray. Hows that for a weapon of mass destruction?!?I saturated them until they fell on the ground and I could stomp them with my flip flop.
Word of the Day:
Oxymoron: A stupid person that uses astringent
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