Oohh Jazz Fest weekend, my goodness, it was totally amazing. First and foremost, CBITW fucking amazes me, really. He truly does. His thoughts, the way he is totally laid back, his acceptance of people, his way of handling things, his realness, his ability to just be himself no matter what, how he does the coolest shit (that I swear to god, bring me to almost collapse) and has no idea that its just really cool. Its just him. Which makes it cooler. It takes a lot to impress me, trust me. But him and what he is just blows me away. I love that, I love that, I LOVE THAT. I feel like I truly fell in love with him this weekend. So, thats all, before I cause everyone to hork Ill stop going on and on.
Spearhead was amazing. I mean jump up and down and sweat amazing. There will be pics posted soon because we had awesome seats and my friend M was sitting in the handicapped section with her grandmother, who was later hugged by him. I was green with envy, you have no idea! Hes coming to Brooklyn, and rain or shine I will be there.
I also got a little drunk one night and me and my friend M ended up taking CBITW to a really trashy strip club (lets put it this way, folks, it was called Big Daddys). I thought I was being nice. I thought it was a treat. Well, he seemed a bit grossed out, though I had fun. I was sitting next to this guy who was being "entertained" by the stripper on the stage. She looks at me and says "who is this lady?" he says "I dont know, shes not with me, she is some supermodel from Louisiana". I say "NOO, Im not a supermodel and Im not from Louisiana" So the stripper turns to me and says "where are you from?" So I say "New York" then she says "stand up". So Im thinking. Shit, this girl is gonna do some nasty shit. I said "NOOOO, get him (pointing at CBITW). So she says "I swear, I wont embarress you". So I stand up and say "ok, what do I have to do?" So she says "put this in your shirt" then takes a 10 from the guy next to me and puts it in my shirt and took it out with her teeth! I thought for SURE I would get some action later for that stunt! But CBITW apparently is used to the higher class strippers here in NYC and was kinda grossed out. I thought it was kinda hot, even if she was skanky, at least she was nice skanky.
When I picked up G, she was so funny. Its amazing how her personality mirrors mine sometimes. I walk in the door and run to her and hug her and say “I missed you!!”. She hugs me back, and we gather her things and we load up in the car, to drive home to Queens from Brooklyn. All is silent in the car, and its raining so Im driving like a maw maw when G says “so, did you have fun in New Orleans without me?!?”. I reply “G, we missed you every single day”. She says “so, what sort of fun things did you do?? Without ME?”. So I said “well, it wasnt much fun really, the weather wasnt great- dont worry we will go soon, I promise”. I guess that was what she needed to hear, because the car became silent and she began to talk about more important things like how she made it to the 3rd level two times in a row on Mario 3 on her gameboy.
It felt good to come home to Queens. I still love my apartment, and guess what? My brokeness will end after next week!! THANK YOU GOD! Im so so happy. I owe CBITW at the VERY least a great dinner, so anyone with any suggestions, please let me know. My friend who has been out of the country has come back and I moved while she was away, so now it will be interesting to have a neighbor that Im friends with so close by.
ALSO on the pathetic broke front, my phone/DSL/Tivo will be installed on the 26th. I can finally get back to some normalcy. Yipppe.. Honestly, as pathetic as it is, I haven’t missed cable too much. I have that antenna thing that the cable company has to install (I guess the previous owners had it) which allows me to get the local channels PLUS, get this all of you who know my sick addiction to those forensic biographies, I GET COURT TV!! YEAY!!! I can keep myself awake in my furnitureless living room and scare myself by watching forensic files every night until I cant go to sleep with all the lights out... lol..
Glad to be home, but WHAT THE FUCK is up with the cold ass weather???
Spearhead was amazing. I mean jump up and down and sweat amazing. There will be pics posted soon because we had awesome seats and my friend M was sitting in the handicapped section with her grandmother, who was later hugged by him. I was green with envy, you have no idea! Hes coming to Brooklyn, and rain or shine I will be there.
I also got a little drunk one night and me and my friend M ended up taking CBITW to a really trashy strip club (lets put it this way, folks, it was called Big Daddys). I thought I was being nice. I thought it was a treat. Well, he seemed a bit grossed out, though I had fun. I was sitting next to this guy who was being "entertained" by the stripper on the stage. She looks at me and says "who is this lady?" he says "I dont know, shes not with me, she is some supermodel from Louisiana". I say "NOO, Im not a supermodel and Im not from Louisiana" So the stripper turns to me and says "where are you from?" So I say "New York" then she says "stand up". So Im thinking. Shit, this girl is gonna do some nasty shit. I said "NOOOO, get him (pointing at CBITW). So she says "I swear, I wont embarress you". So I stand up and say "ok, what do I have to do?" So she says "put this in your shirt" then takes a 10 from the guy next to me and puts it in my shirt and took it out with her teeth! I thought for SURE I would get some action later for that stunt! But CBITW apparently is used to the higher class strippers here in NYC and was kinda grossed out. I thought it was kinda hot, even if she was skanky, at least she was nice skanky.
When I picked up G, she was so funny. Its amazing how her personality mirrors mine sometimes. I walk in the door and run to her and hug her and say “I missed you!!”. She hugs me back, and we gather her things and we load up in the car, to drive home to Queens from Brooklyn. All is silent in the car, and its raining so Im driving like a maw maw when G says “so, did you have fun in New Orleans without me?!?”. I reply “G, we missed you every single day”. She says “so, what sort of fun things did you do?? Without ME?”. So I said “well, it wasnt much fun really, the weather wasnt great- dont worry we will go soon, I promise”. I guess that was what she needed to hear, because the car became silent and she began to talk about more important things like how she made it to the 3rd level two times in a row on Mario 3 on her gameboy.
It felt good to come home to Queens. I still love my apartment, and guess what? My brokeness will end after next week!! THANK YOU GOD! Im so so happy. I owe CBITW at the VERY least a great dinner, so anyone with any suggestions, please let me know. My friend who has been out of the country has come back and I moved while she was away, so now it will be interesting to have a neighbor that Im friends with so close by.
ALSO on the pathetic broke front, my phone/DSL/Tivo will be installed on the 26th. I can finally get back to some normalcy. Yipppe.. Honestly, as pathetic as it is, I haven’t missed cable too much. I have that antenna thing that the cable company has to install (I guess the previous owners had it) which allows me to get the local channels PLUS, get this all of you who know my sick addiction to those forensic biographies, I GET COURT TV!! YEAY!!! I can keep myself awake in my furnitureless living room and scare myself by watching forensic files every night until I cant go to sleep with all the lights out... lol..
Glad to be home, but WHAT THE FUCK is up with the cold ass weather???
At 1:58 PM,
Angry Wooderson said…
I don't care if you've been weaned off cable. You can't live without the DVR. I don't know what life was before I could pause live TV. Trust me, it does wonders for a relationship :)
That is, unless she finds out that I have "One Tree Hill" on "Save Until I Delete" status. God help me.
Regarding your passage on CBITW... you are so far gone :) lol... it's cute though.
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