Fuck you too, Osama
I am positive that I saw Osama Bin Laden on the BQE yesterday on my way to Brooklyn. He was driving a Subaru. AND to top it off, they were doing random check points by the exit and no one even STOPPED his car! I almost hit him while trying to merge into the right lane, and he gave me a nasty look! Well, fuck you too, OSAMA! Now, before you come out and say to me "Jess, you prolly just think they all look alike", you are wrong wrong wrong! Im telling you, I wasn’t the only one who turned my head!
Also, a big F you goes out to the entire male species. Are all of you fucked up? Seriously, are all of you completely fucked up? Why is it either you are chasing after a woman who is not interested in you like she holds the key to your everlasting happiness but when you find a woman who is actually into you, you play headgames?? What the fuck? I swear, if I could conjure up enough courage to be a giver with a woman, I would consider being gay! Its just that I would be a really greedy lesbian if I tried it now. Not fair for the other girl.
Since I posted earlier my gratitude list, here is the oppsite end of that- my Fuck You list.
1. George Bush- I hate you. You are the anti christ. Dont EVEN get me
2. The entire Male Species- please see above
3. My dad. You suck. I know you haven’t read my blog yet.
4. Psycho Boy, for giving me issues with accepting help from people. I
hate you you cheap lying bastard.
5. G’s father- another dick head who made me realize just how capable
men are of being cheating shitheads. And to think after you and I
were together 7 years and you tried to fuck my friend, you still think that now, 6 years later, when I’m 100 times hotter than when we were together (and not to mention of legal age) and after not paying a dime of child support, that you have a chance! Thats actually funny.
6. CBITW, for being so cute when you’re being a jerk- even though I
really have made an effort since this relationship is new to not be a
bitch, you my friend, are about to feel the wrath. Here is a bit of
info for you. Im not as sweet and tolerant as you think I am. And
apparently, as I have learned, neither are you! Kinda refreshing, ha?
7. And while there are few things that I love more than a man in
uniform, to the NYPD for blocking off entire streets to do your
morning emergency "drills"- which in reality is a bunch of you
standing around chatting it up in front of citicorp- during rush hour
and blocking a huge chunk of Lex ave.
And that is all for today. God bless those spared from my tyrade.
Also, a big F you goes out to the entire male species. Are all of you fucked up? Seriously, are all of you completely fucked up? Why is it either you are chasing after a woman who is not interested in you like she holds the key to your everlasting happiness but when you find a woman who is actually into you, you play headgames?? What the fuck? I swear, if I could conjure up enough courage to be a giver with a woman, I would consider being gay! Its just that I would be a really greedy lesbian if I tried it now. Not fair for the other girl.
Since I posted earlier my gratitude list, here is the oppsite end of that- my Fuck You list.
1. George Bush- I hate you. You are the anti christ. Dont EVEN get me
2. The entire Male Species- please see above
3. My dad. You suck. I know you haven’t read my blog yet.
4. Psycho Boy, for giving me issues with accepting help from people. I
hate you you cheap lying bastard.
5. G’s father- another dick head who made me realize just how capable
men are of being cheating shitheads. And to think after you and I
were together 7 years and you tried to fuck my friend, you still think that now, 6 years later, when I’m 100 times hotter than when we were together (and not to mention of legal age) and after not paying a dime of child support, that you have a chance! Thats actually funny.
6. CBITW, for being so cute when you’re being a jerk- even though I
really have made an effort since this relationship is new to not be a
bitch, you my friend, are about to feel the wrath. Here is a bit of
info for you. Im not as sweet and tolerant as you think I am. And
apparently, as I have learned, neither are you! Kinda refreshing, ha?
7. And while there are few things that I love more than a man in
uniform, to the NYPD for blocking off entire streets to do your
morning emergency "drills"- which in reality is a bunch of you
standing around chatting it up in front of citicorp- during rush hour
and blocking a huge chunk of Lex ave.
And that is all for today. God bless those spared from my tyrade.
At 3:41 PM,
Angry Wooderson said…
Bless you, kiddo, for that sneeze of emotion :)
I know it feels great to say "guys suck." And I saw "girls suck" quite often. And I'm sure there are gender-specific reasons that contribute to both sucking. But don't give these people a free pass. Take them to task for being crappy people.
It's telling that we complain most about people our age. We're a pretty selfish generation, and it shows most in relationships. How many people do we meet who are immature and playing grownup.
Blaming guys (or me blaming girls) suggests that the problem won't get better -- because these people will always be guys (and girls). But simply saying they're awful people is a little more hopeful. Because there are nice, mature, selfless people in the world.
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