The Only Bush I Trust Is My Own

So mom gets here monday, and Im a train wreck. I know I cant be right now, because I have to be strong.
So, this week we have found out that my aunt and uncle are alive, but they were trapped in their attics for three days under six feet of water in Bay St. Louis. My aunt was hospitalized after getting very sick from the water. They were waiting for help to come, and it just did not come for 3 days. Bush should die.
Also to top this all off, I get a phone call from Gs dad, who decided on a whim to call me and tell me that he wishes I would settle down with someone because he thinks that I am going to die alone. Nice, ha?
So my mom should be here next week, and Ive been arrangeing job interviews. I think maybe this will be a great thing for both of us. She will have some time away from everything and make some money and be around her grandchild. I think that will really help her. As for me, I need to get back into what I do normally as far as my soap and my voulenteer work. Maybe this was gods way of telling me to do that. I have to go this weekend to get a few things for the house to prepare.
My political rant this week goes to Barbara Bush (aka the Quaker Oats Man aka Cauliflower face). This is her quote about the Hurricane victems:

"What I'm hearing, which is sort of scary, is they all want to stay in Texas. Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality,And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this is working very well for them."
Check the story here
This is the reality of our countries roots and the people behind the leaders of our country. Canada and lesbianism is looking better and better every day.
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