Got Dick?

The question of day appears to be where is our beloved Dick Cheney. Well, folks, hold on to your horses, because practically the entire Bush Administration when not shopping (Like Condy) or Flying over New Orleans in his jet (not even stopping) like Bush, our vice president is in Wyoming. Why? He is there handing out no bid contracts to Haliburton. When Bush finally lands he goes to the Airport. Whats the matter, Georgie? Why didnt you stand in that hot ass superdome with the dead corpses and really see the "community" you claim to rebuild?
While people are fucking starving and dieing- while people waited three fucking days to get some help, Bush was on vacation, Condoliza was buying shoes, and Dick is off handing out contracts at Haliburton. Go fucking figure.

Now lets also do a little bit of research on our friend Michael D. Brown, nominated by Dubbya himself and first Under Secretary for FEMA.
How did Michael Brown get the job as Director of Fema with absolutely no qualifying traits? Why his college roommate (former Fema Head and 2000 Bush campaign manager) recommended him of course. That was good enough for old George - no qualifications.
Brown tells the press that the people of New Orleans were "warned to leave", as people watched elders die, while people were placed in the superdome under unthinkable conditions. This was his statement? While people waited for food, water, refuge service- in the wake of this tragedy, this was the director of FEMA's view.
Every citizen in this country should be shocked and afraid of the administration that governs this country. Especially if you live in areas where these fuckers could care less about you. People have said they believe this was "racially driven", but I disagree. This was class driven. While the media showed thousands of black people under horrendous conditions in the superdome in New Orleans, the people in the outlying Parishes(St. Bernard Parish, Jefferson, Plaquemines (I spelled that wrong) parish) are predominantly white, got help at an even slower pace than the people in New Orleans yet saw just as much, sometimes more damage. This was, however, class driven. There is no question. If this tragedy would have hit the upper west side, or heaven forbid, TEXAS, there would have been relief waiting in outlying areas before the storm even hit.
Shame on us as a nation. How many times must this country embarrass themselves to the world? How many times does this administration have to shit in the face of the every day American? What's sad is Louisiana is Red State.
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