People I would Like to Bitchslap

The guy who decided it is a great idea stalk my dad through me. Number one, I thought you left the firm. But surprise surprise I came to my desk this morning, and there you were. When you were a temp and sat next to me, I thought you were cool because you were a teacher part time. So, we started talking. BUT first off you look like bullwinkle! Secondly, your love for my dad is fucking scary. I mean, I can admire that you appreciate his work, but dont keep calling me and sending me emails asking what he is up to. He has a website. Also, you should know that my dad will probably will never even read this paragraph of my blog. Why? Because hes not interested. Get the picture? Got it? Good! Moving right along...
Whoever made the fat free Rice Krispy Treats at the little store by my office. I have two words for you-ass explosions.
Arnold- First of all, what the fuck are you doing as Governor of California? Seriously. I wanted Gary Coleman to win. I bet if HE won, Stanley Tookie Williams wouldnt be dead, you asshole! Our fucking country runs to Iraq and kills thousands of innocent people, yet, abortion is wrong, and we teach our kids that killing another human being is wrong- ooh some big lesson you showed the world. BTW, Jeffrey Dahmer was a killer who ate people, yet he got life. How much good did he do while he was in prison? Hypocritical asshole. Here are some facts to ponder:
*Stanley Tookie Williams was sentenced to death for the 1979 shooting deaths of 4 innocent people. He was a Former CRIPS street gang co-founder and member
Executed on 12/12/2005
*Ray Killen- was charged with manslaughter in the shooting deaths of 3 innocent people on June 21, 1964. Former leader and active member in a faction of the KKK
currently a free man as of 12/12/2005
*Jeffrey Dahmer- Serial killer/canibal
Went on a 13 year killing spree killing and eating numerous people, keeping their heads in his freezer.
Senteced to 15 consecutive life terms or a total 957 years in prison- was killed my another inmate, Christopher Scarver on November 28, 1994
So that is all for today, as I am not yet fully cafinated.
At 11:24 AM,
olivinnyc said…
The hypocrisy that plagues our country's government is so scary!! An addition note I'd like to make is this.... our government doesn't allow someone to decide to kill themselves but they can kill whoever they deem killable. Our civil liberties are under attack. I thought Republics want less government yet they allow government into our bedrooms and homes if it furthers there social agenda which really is a front to gain the ignorant right wing American’s support for their wars/corruption/corporation machine.
At 2:28 PM,
Defragging said…
omg jess you are hilarious!!! i love you honey...
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