I cant think of a title
If you ball up your fists then put them together, and turn them so your thumbs are paralell to one another- that is supposed to be the size of your brain (according to my Jr. High school friend Valia- and SHE was the keeper of all knowledge). Only, I am certain that if this the case my brain is deformed in that the left side (said to be the more creative/emotional side) is WAY larger than the right side (said to be the critical thinking side). The good thing is, when I go through depressing shit, my creative side gets all excited and I start spitting out art work like a crazy person. Only the right side starts to feel starved and I do stupid shit like putting windex in the freezer. This is in essence who I am right now. An emotional creative mess who was late bringing her daughter to school today because she couldnt find her housekeys- why? Because they were in the bathroom medicine cabinet.
At 6:28 PM,
olivinnyc said…
You are f'in adorable.
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