Dont Let the Turkeys Get You Down

Companies YOU should be boycotting:
McDonalds- ok.. anyone see Supersize me? Not to mention the McDonalds by Ditmars train station didnt clean their vents and burned down FOUR local buisnesses next to it.
Starbucks- they always open up one of their pretentious over priced shit coffee places next to a little local cafe. And dont say "oh but they have good coffee" no they dont- their coffee sucks. If you think Starbucks coffee is good, you need to explore the world of great coffee.
* This is a great site to see if the companies YOU are supporting are supporting the Republican Party. You can either search by company, or go through the listing. Be aware that most companies donate to a party. Some donate to both.
I know there are more, but these are the people on my shit list. Now dont start sending me the whole Made in China because of Tibet speech, ok? I tried to boycott things made in China for about a year, but then I had a child and realized as a single mom, its sorta expensive to not buy shit made in China. But whenever, I have the choice, I certainly try.
Now on to more interesting blogging- the Watergate part Deux scandal getting ready to explode.
This has been such an amazing month for the Repubs. Bush must want to jump in a time travel machine go back to last Nov, and drop out of the presidential election, because shit is hitting the fan for him and his crew. Only now, the Bush camp has a new enemy- the Republican Party. Between the response to Katrina, the DeLay things, and Karl Rove and Cheneys cheif of staff, Lewis "Scooter" Libby (among many others.. for the full list see ( being linked to the Rove Scandal, Meirs being nominated as Supreme Court Justice, even after we all learned the hard lesson after the whole Michael Brown fuckup that we actually DO need people in office that have more experience than worshiping Bushie, and now this video unfolding of the whole "live" "town hall" meeting being rehersed, my goodness- it sucks to be republican these days. I have to laugh. If this doesnt hit close enough to home for you folks, lets now discuss the terror "threats" that came to NYC last week. Before I begin, let me just start off by saying that this "threat" conveniently came the day Bush was due to give his "war on terror" speech, while his approval ratings have plumetted to 40% (even among his fellow Republicans). But now just for shits and kicks, I would like to address the fact that The Daily News reports that the "wealthy" New Yorkers received warning of the treats on October 3 days before even the Mayor was briefed on the "threat". Now, doesnt that make you feel warm and cozy?
Entergy= Satan
Here is an update for all of you regarding the aftermath of Katrina in New Orleans. Entergy, the local energy supplier is charging people electric charges for the month of September, and then telling people that in order to have their gas put on, that lines need to be inspected- fair enough- only, Entergy wants people to pay 65.00 for a plumber to inspect then they want to charge 200.00 to turn the gas on.
Insurance Claims Adjusters In New Orleans
The other enemy was the insurance claims adjuster she had to contact regarding her house in Mississippi. It seems the companies are hiring temps because of the insane amount of people trying to get coverage for their homes. So, the conversation goes like this (this is taken from an email from my mom to me)
Adjuster: Centeral Claims
Me: This is Mary Moses. I incurred damage to my home in New Orleans as a result of hurricane...
Adjuster: We probably don't have your file here yet.
Me: Can I just finish here? I already have a claim number and...
Adjuster: I'm not interested in your claim number.
Me: Well, someone called the cell phone to say they would be out to see the house but they haven't...
Adjuster (talking over me once again): Where is your house?
Me: 2468-2470 Burgundy Street, New...
Adjuster: (again, not letting me finish) What's the zip code?
Me: 70117
Adjuster: And your name?
Me: Mary Moses
Adjuster: Is your house in Marrero?
Me: No. If you had let me finish before; it's in New Orleans.
Adjuster: Then there is another Mary Moses in Marrero
Me: No doubt.
Adjuster: Look, lady, we don't have your claim here in this office and there are 10,000 people who have been displaced by these hurricanes and ...
Me: (Now I'm interrupting HER!!!) Yes, I'm aware of that since I live in New Orleans, but I'm residing in New York!!!! May I please have your name?
Adjuster: No you may not.
Me: I may not have your name?
Adjsuter: No. I'm not giving you my name.
Me: Look, I know you have a stressful job there dealing with irate, displaced, refugees day after day, but you really do need to be a little nicer. If you hate your job and all, maybe you should find another. Or take a little break or something.
Adjuster: As I said, there are lots of people wondering about the status of their homes and insurance...
Me: Well, we have significant roof damage and there is only a tarp up there right now. We don't want to incurr further damage and...
Adjuster: I don't need to know all that.
Me: Look, may I please have your name.
Adjuster: No. If I give you my name you'll lie about me to everyone.
Me: Wait. So now I'm a liar?
Adjuster: I just know you will lie about me.
Me: Okay, look. Since you won't give me your name and we are getting nowhere here. How about you just take a little break, have a drink or a cigarette or something and then come back and answer your phones so that you aren't so damn NASTY to the next person. Where are you located anyway?
Adjuster: (after a long pause) In Baton Rouge
Me: Well how lucky for you. Have a great day. Good bye.
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