The Only Bush I Trust Is My Own

Friday, December 23, 2005


SO I confess to throwing yet another one of my nasty temper tantrums in my last entry. Yes, I was pissed at the TWU. I still think they are irrisponsible, and I still am irritated for the three days of last minute christmas shopping I missed. Yes folks, today, I will be doing 90% of my Santa Claus shopping. I need to find a Tamagachi, and pronto.

So I was talking to Daddy (Brooklyn Daddy) who has been working at Kings County Hosiptal since out of Nam. "Are you in a union?" I asked him. "Well, yeah of course, man!", he responds in his trini accent. "So if your union ordered you all to strike, you would have to strike even if you didnt want to?" "Well yeah, Jess, what the hell, man, if they say strike you strike! You have to!". Hmm this was interesting to me. "So, but what if you didnt want to? I mean what if you said "fuck you" Im going to work?". Now he was getting irritated at me "JESSS", he started "youll get your ass kicked for something like that!". "Seems a bit like the Cripts and Bloods if you ask me, Daddy", and with that he busted out in his HOOO HOOO HOOO santa clause ish laugh. Causing me to laugh at myself.

This morning the bitter cold walk down Ditmars for about 10 blocks was like a parade, In that everyone looked at eachother in the "I struggled with you!" sort of way, it was almost, dare I say, pleasant! People were practically smiling and waving at eachother! Damn! It was like the urban version of some old 1950s leave it to Beaver episode. For a minute I got caught up in it, but, I of course, as usual, am plugged into numerous devices, including, but not limited to my MP3 player and my cell phone. My bag was stuffed to compacity with my scarf and ball of yarn (yes I knit to! wanna marry me yet?) and xmas cards that I haven't yet sent are spilling out of the side of my bag. My cell phone rings as I am marching up the train station steps- it is my mom. So we start chatting as Im huffing and puffing after schlepping about 15lbs of crap up those damn steps. SO I get on the train and people are sitting already. The doors are open. I step into the open doors and just then my mom says "so are you happy to get on the train?" "YES!", I respond though not realizing at this point that I am being that loud obnoxious person on the train shouting into her cell phone "I never thought I would say I am SOOOOOOOOO HAPPY TO BE ON THE TRAIN" just then I look around and realize that I have just made an announcement to the entire car and people are staring at me like Im some sort of freak.


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