I just want to take a moment to thank my ultra conservative readers who express their "opinions" on my page all the time, thanks for the page views! I don't expect any response tonight as I'm sure you are at your evangelical churches getting the demons exorcised so that McLame will have a chance at winning, or possibly plotting the next huge voter scandal, but I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate you, you crazy bastards! You are like that crazy uncle at the family reunion who gets drunk and pees on himself. Kind of annoying, but has some funny ass stories to tell and is lovable nonetheless! See ya tomorrow and may the best man win!
At 10:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
I would like to take the time to congratulate Ms. Jessie, Senator Obama, Senator Biden, Karl Marx, William Aires, Tony Rezcko, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Liberals, Socialists, useful drones, Communists, Marxists, Radical Muslim fundamentalists, Osama Bin Ladin, Al-Queda, Presidents Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro and Ahmadenishad, ACORN and other fellow America haters.
Enjoy the honeymoon while it lasts, the nightmare is just around the corner.
At 7:34 AM,
Jessica said…
two numbers-
America has spoken, and it was a landslide. So why don't YOU stop being an America hater? I mean sweetie, he got VIRGINIA!
Im sorry that you live in fear due to lies and hate, but the REAL fear in this country was having another 4 years of BUSH.
At 9:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
Landslide ?
1932 - FDR 472 - Hoover 59
1936 - FDR 523 - Knox 8
1956 - IKE 457 - Stevenson 73
1972 - Nixon 520 - McGovern 17
1980 - Reagan 489 - Carter 49
1984 - Reagan 525 - Mondale 13
1988 - Bush 426 - Dukakis 111
THOSE are landslides.
Read your history, rookie.
At 10:15 AM,
Mary said…
Re: Landslide numbers. I notice you don't have any for the last 20 years to show. Why is that? Because the republicans were really good at winning elections by dividing the country via Karl Rove tactics. Of course dividng the country made it next to impossible to actually govern the country which is why everything is such a mess right now. Barack Obam will change all that. I feel hope for the U.S. for the first time since September 11th.
At 10:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
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At 9:33 AM,
Jessica said…
O.W.L. I don’t know if you keep up with CURRENT news and events or have been following the market lately, but the index didn’t JUST go in the toilet the last two days. I realize that you are still licking your wounds and feeling like you backed a loser, especially given the information being released about Sarah Palin aka the "Great Hope" for the future of the GOP, but it may be time to take a deep breath and get a grip sweetie. Obama will have a full plate given the shitstorm being left by Dubbya. It won’t happen overnight, but at least its a push in the right direction. I think its great that Obama is reaching across party lines and putting republicans in jobs he thinks that they can do well rather than the Bush administration hiring unqualified schmucks like Brown to jobs they are not qualified for. So get some rest, love. Obama sends is reassurance.
"And to those Americans whose support I have yet to earn, I may not have won your vote tonight, but I hear your voices. I need your help. And I will be your president, too."
Ironic that you call myself and our newly ELECTED president “America Haters” when it sounds to me like you are sitting around hoping for bad things to happen to this country so that you can say “I told you so”. Perhaps you can take some of your negativity and turn it into something more positive. More PATRIOTIC like hoping for what is BEST for the future of this country. I don’t wish for my country to continue in the manner it has, the hope I have is for my country to come together and clean up this mess.
At 10:12 AM,
Mary said…
Uh. Obama isn't actually president until January 20, 2009. All this world crisis stuff didn't JUST happen two days ago. But I realize that you gotta direct your frustration and hate somewhere so go ahead. Keep on ranting. The rest of us will be trying to do something to improve the country.
At 5:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
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At 10:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
Frank, owl, I'm with you, brothers. But I don't think you guys went far enough. What no one has mentioned so far is that clearly Barrack Obama is the Anti-Christ. Not a figurative "really bad guy." I mean the fucking Anti-Christ. That much charisma is not natural. He'll be all smiles in in public, but in the the Oval Office when no one's looking he'll be eating the heads of live doves. Raw, not even salt and pepper. Feathers hanging out of his mouth and everything, because that's how evil this man is.
When he helps young Americans get an affordable education, it'll be so they will know all the more what they've lost when he personally drives them on the road to Hell. Plus, I'd imagine nothing in Hell would be more painful than knowing that you just wasted four years (PRIME YEARS!) in college when you could've been sitting around hanging out. Although, spending three or four tours of duty in Iraq away from your friends and family might be almost as hellish.
Let's not forget he's probably gonna put a basketball court in the White House. A basketball court!!! That's the devil's second favorite game. (The first being Uno. Don't ask me why, but the Devil just loves yelling out "UNO!") God, put a bowling alley in the White House for a reason, and this Barrack "Anti-Christ" Obama is gonna tear it down to make room for his Devil-ball court.
And what's gonna happen when he meets up with these world leaders like Castro and Chavez and all the others that Real God Fearing Americans don't like? Secret gay world leader sex, that's what. A lot of these other world leaders might not even be gay, not yet anyway. But once they look into the Anti-Christ's eyes and feel the charm of that Anti-Christ smile, they'll give it up. Just like 65 million Americans (give or take) gave up their vote to this charming devil. But there are still 57 million of us (again, give or take) who see him for the Muslim, terrorist, traitor that he is. Although, I'm not altogether sure you can be an Anti-Christ and Muslim at the same time. If nothing else, I'm sure the devil loves pork, especially bacon. (But I think we can all agree, bacon is pretty awesome.) So if the Anti-Christ is also Muslim, he'd be a bad Muslim.
So watch your backs, everyone. Just like my new pals, Frank and OWL promise, the nightmare is around the corner... The Final Nightmare!
[Author's note] I really wanted to embed "The Final Countdown" by Europe here to REALLY drive my point home, but it wouldn't let me. So when you're finished reading this, please go to this link:
Or better yet, play "The Final Countdown" while re-reading my post. I just did it and it's awesome!
A concerned Filipino popstar
At 12:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
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At 12:53 AM,
Anonymous said…
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At 3:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
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At 11:07 AM,
Anonymous said…
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At 6:06 PM,
Jessica said…
If you cant play nice, I WILL delete your comments. Thank you.
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