
So the McCain campaign has had a shitty week. In top news, and unsurprisingly, the female volunteer for the McCain Campaign who claimed she was attacked by a 6 foot 4 black man after he viewed a McCain Palin bumper sticker on her car admitted to police that the entire story was a hoax. Ashley Todd claimed that the man beat her, and carved a B (backwards) and sexually assaulted her while shouting "you will support Barrack Obama".
What this does to sexual assault victims, to women, to race relations, is just fucked. Police say that usually people who make false reports are usually charged with the crime, however, they are looking over Ms. Todds mental health. Figures. You have to be crazy to be a woman and vote for McCain Palin.
The second slip up is so yummy, when I saw it on Bill Mahr, I literally had to rewind it about 6 times to get the laughing out of me. So McCain gave a speech in PA regarding the Democrats "nasty things" being said about Western PA. I wont spoil the surprise for you, but incase you want to watch this more than once.. you NEED to go back and view the expressions of the people behind him. Priceless
So its come to my attention after Sarah Palins smarmy comments this week regarding fruit fly research.. claiming that we have all of this craaaaazy spending in places that dont make much sense.
I guess no one informed Sarah that a recent study at the university of North Carolina
has actually made HUGE bounds in Autism research. This study was, yes you guessed it folks, studies on fruit flys. Infact this study has found the following:
"[S]cientists at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine have shown that a protein called neurexin is required for..nerve cell connections to form and function correctly.
The discovery, made in Drosophila fruit flies may lead to advances in understanding autism spectrum disorders, as recently, human neurexins have been identified as a genetic risk factor for autism."
Someone please get the McCain party a scientific researcher. Stat. Or make this girl shut the fuck up. And maybe spend less on her makeup and wardrobe. It was found that her stylist actually is being paid more than the policy adviser. Strange coming from a party who loves to talk about Obamas plans for excessive spending. How about putting some of that money toward getting your facts straight.
At 3:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
How dare you speak to the next Vice President of the United States in that manner.
Maybe you should take some of your own advice that you give to others and shut the fuck up and spend MORE time on your make up and wardrobe.
You can only dream that you could be as hot as Sarah.
At 10:37 PM,
Jessica said…
your right. Every day I dream of being Sarah Palin. Im outed. And btw, boy genius, if you don't like what your reading (McCain supporters tend to hate smart people that can actually give FACTS rather than bullshit) then here is an idea, stop coming to my blog! Oh and Todd, you clean up very nicely, as you should given the SICK amount of money spent by the GOP to clean your trashy family up. Please. Go play in traffic.
At 7:12 PM,
Jessica said…
haha its hard for me not to be smug right now.
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