Sarah Pipeline
So my mom used to have this friend named Ricky Pipeline. He was pretty awesome. He showed me how to make a bong out of a pepsi bottle. A skill that has taken me quite far in life and given be entrance to countless parties in Brooklyn that I otherwise would not have been invited to. It greatly influenced who I am today, and dammit if that isnt Gods will, then I just dont know what is! So with that being said, have a seat, grab some popcorn and a drink. Because this is about to get interesting.
Now videos of Sarah Palin are passing through the internet quicker than you can say “church and state”. Apparently, according to Sarah, the war in Iraq is “Gods Plan”. Hmm.. well, I tend to think that the war in Iraq is more so the plan of the the REAL terrorsists- GWB and his cronies. Now, by nature, Im a girls girl. But my uterus just cant feel the bond, I just dont want to jump up and sing "Im Every Woman"
when I see this. Infact, Im waiting for the evangelists to come running out and speaking in tongues and give sermon on the "damn gays" and those pesky mooooooooooooooslims.
Above it all, though this line kills me
“so I can pray for gods will to be done, unifying people and companies”
umm.. what?!? I can pray for Gods will that you and McCain are permanantly denied access to a microphone and the thought of you making any ANY sort of logical decisions regarding this country scares the pipeline out of me!
Amen. Im off to go read the Koran.
At 11:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
worried ? ....understandable.
Sarah Palin has energized the conservative base.....your party is in trouble....AGAIN.
BTW - how does B. Hussain Obama chose Biden over Hillary aside from the fact that he has trouble making rational & logical decisions ?
Joe Biden...aka 'the DUMBEST man in the US Senate'.
At 11:51 AM,
Jessica said…
Funny what your party defines as "energizing the party".. kinda cracks me up. Someone should inform Sara Palin that Jesus was a community organizer. Then based on her interview on ABC last night, perhaps give her a little crash course in foreign policy. She sets back the womens rights movement about 40 years. Scary. Scary Scary. I guess the conservs think that America is dumb enough to be distracted by the shiny object.
At 12:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hmmm. We've got a few "dumbest" senators out there... my favorite is former republican senator Larry "let's get it on" Craig. Not only did he resign, but he came tried to backtrack and say "oops, i didn't mean to."
Here's another dumb one James "do as i say, not as i do" Inhofe. During a panel and congressional hearing on the use of torture and illegal imprisonment of iraqi's he said quite blantantly:
"If we have Iraqis locked up and if we are torturing them, they must deserve it, and it's a shame and a scandal that we're giving the Department of Defense a hard time over this trifle when they're out there protecting the flag and whatever. The fact that we have those Iraqis locked up is all the proof we need of their guilt, so they are only receiving punishment they've earned."
So we are a democracy that doesn't believe in democracy?
Joe Biden may have made a bad comment that was taken out of context and spun by conservative spinster Mark Levin... I certainly wouldn't call him the dumbest.
We'll hear about it now, spin it for a few weeks, but it's not really THE issue. of what's at stake with this election.
The bottom line is Democracy in America is broken and someone needs to fix it. We're in this mess because of the Dumbest President in the United Stats, EVER.
At 8:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
I was always under the belief that Jesus Christ was a carpenter.
....and speaking about crash courses in foreign policy.
Why does B. Hussain Obama talk openly about bombing Pakistan, oppose the Colombia Free Trade Agreement and willing to meet separately, without precondition, during the first year of his administration, in Washington or anywhere else, with the leaders of Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba, and North Korea ?
It's the liberals that believe Americans are dumb, expecting Americans to fall for an empty suite Marxist. Take the scripted teleprompter away from Barry and the man can't complete full sentence.
Why couldn't just Hillary win ?
.....she was FAR more qualified and experienced.
At 9:13 PM,
Jessica said…
Ill be the first to admit that Biden is no Hillary..but trust me, NEITHER is Sarah Palin. Neither is McCain for that matter.
The conservatives have proven time and time again how dumb they think Americans are- Sarah Palin? Really?!? I can think of slew of other names that were more qualified for that position but once again the crafty conservatives try to dupe us with the old "he look over there!" move.
As far as Obama's stance on Pakistan and the "war on terror" perhaps you should actually watch an interview with him regarding this subject. His stance is that we need to be very careful in how we approach war in General. Theres a concept.. lets come up with a strategy not go riding in like good old cowboys and think about this crazy little thing called world relations. Its called responsibility. Something the US has lacked in its current administration
At 10:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
I couldn't agree more....McCain is no Hillary...he WINS his nomination.
Sarah Palin is NO Hillary. She doesn't wear pants suits. She wears skirts, attacks corruption(even in her own party) and wins elections.
Most Americans do indeed identify with Sarah Palin. The 20 point McCain surge in the polls demonstrates this.
Amongst women the numbers were even higher. Women across America have removed Obama-Biden signs and replaced them with McCain-Palin signs.
As far as Obama's stance on Pakistan perhaps you should actually read what he actually said according to the NY Times:
Standing in front of a Stars and Stripes flag, Mr Obama said:
'Let me make this clear..There are terrorists holed up in those mountains who murdered 3,000 Americans. They are plotting to strike again . . . If we have actionable intelligence about high-value terrorist targets and President Musharraf won’t act, WE WILL.'
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