Slinkies Stinkies and Slugs

So someone gave me a pretty funny quote today, since I have taken to printing out inspirational "keep on going" quotes to get me through the nightmare that is my life right now. Yes I am that chick at work with inspirational quotes printed and taped on her computer monitor to remind herself that life doesnt always suck, but I digress.
So the quote today goes
"Some people are like slinkies. They are not really good for anything; however, they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs."
Can someone out there find out who wrote this? I have a feeling that they might be my secret twin. If its some girl in her moms vintage dress and obvious-that-she-cut-them-herself-bangs, we need to talk. I have a feeling she may be the chick who threw a mug at my boyfriend last Sat.
Anyway, regarding the slinky, these thoughts ran through my head last night as I watched what I could stomach of the RNC. I am truly trying to be open minded but when Joe Lieberman got up there and said "when the war in Iraq wasn’t popular and people were losing hope McCain sent more troops and now we are winning". I just couldn’t. Continue. Anymore. I actually got that little pre vomit spit and I had to change the channel. I burped up curry for the rest of the night. Seriously, WTF?!?!? I don’t get it. How can you be a logical person and think that the war in Iraq is OK? I think I’m only following the RNC because its fascinating to me. Like frying slugs with salt. Its mesmerizing, yet, disturbing, and kind of sad. Maybe not as sad as the amount of time I used to spend doing that, but still... pretty fucking sad. Dont think I wont be infront of that TV tonight to watch Palin speak and try to tug at the heartstrings of all Americans with the fact her daughter is 19 and pregnant. Palin, here is a dose of reality for you. I was 19 and pregnant. My daughter is starting Jr. High this week. Guess what? You still suck. AND I really wanted to like you because you have a great approval rating in Alaska all while posing in leather skirts and heels. But I cant. Know why? Because your Presidential candidate is up there in age, there is a good chance that he could DIE and YOU be the president and while you may be good, honey, you are no Joe Biden and you certainly are NO Hillary Cliton.. lol. typing that even makes me laugh. End of story.
On another note, has anyone REALLY looked at the audience at the RNC? If you watched the DNC it was like "parttayyyy!". Lots of young hip voters. And man, Bill had to practically shout "SHUT THE FUCK UP" to get people to be quiet to allow him to speak. I’m still convinced there were ushers along the bottom of the stage to collect the panties that were thrown. I think I saw out of the corner of my eye Michelle sneak a pair of Vicky’s in the mix, but I COULD be wrong. And after Obama’s speech my best friend called me to say "girl is it me, or is that Obama kind of hot?". I really don’t think this is going to happen after the McCain speech, but I could be wrong. I don’t know if its because the audience is all accompanied by their nurses and a frigging air tank or maybe they didn’t have Stevie Wonder- but I have to think that people JUST MAYBE are thinking "something is really wrong about this". That HAS to be the case, right?
In other news, I have been following the Casey Anthony case to the point of unhealthy obsession. I crack myself up at how fast I become a fucking prosecuting attorney while watching this whole train wreck unfold. So last night Cindy Anthony, the mother of the girl whose daughter went missing "mysteriously". And I really feel bad for this woman. She really wants to believe her daughter Casey is not a lying trifling ass tramp. Its right there, clear as day. This girl neglected that baby, the baby died and she put her in the trunk and she, with the help of someone else (cuz lord knows this girl isnt too much smarter than a two sliced toaster). A part of me feels that somehow the father is involved. The fact that not a whole lot of attention is going towards who the father of little Caylee is, sends a flag out to me. I mean Casey was known to get around a bit, and frankly, I mean as Nancy Grace said "I wont call the kettle black" but I think the fact that this kid if they know who her dad is and he has family and the kid is missing, why wouldn’t this be looked in to? The father, being a detective would surely know where to plant a body. And the fact that this stench came from the back of car and it was identified by the BODY FARM forensics team as being that of a decomposing body. Umm hello?
The fact that no body has yet been found, yet evidence of decomposition was found in the trunk of the car is pretty alarming. I hope I’m wrong. I hope this kid is alive. But from what I’m seeing, the chances are slimmer and slimmer. The mothers total disregard for the fact that ANYTHING happened is so sad. If it is found that she infact accidentally killed this baby, they need to put that bitch in General Population to get a true prison style beat down.
At 9:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yeah I wrote that shit, and we are already twins...SURPRISE. hahahahaha.
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